Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Charging Training Webinar [Commercial & Industrial (C&I) Buildings]
Date | See the Registration link |
Time | 15:00-17:00 |
Location | Live Stream (Zoom) |
Target Audience | The management staff and frontline cleansing supervisory staff of commercial and industrial buildings (C&I Buildings) [Commercial and industrial buildings with property management organisations that sell/lent out the units, including offices, flatted factories, industrial-office buildings, and godown buildings, but excluding private factories or storages occupied by single occupiers, and excluding restaurants, hotels, shopping malls and markets] |
15:00 - 15:05 | Introduction |
15:05 - 16:10 | Explanation of MSW Charging · Overview of MSW charging · Legislative requirements · Implementing MSW charging at C&I Buildings · Waste Reduction and Recycling Arrangements |
16:10 – 16:45 | Q&A Section |
16:45 - 17:00 | Online Quiz (If participants pass the online quiz, they will receive an E-certificate ) |
Notice of Annual General Meeting 2023 (12th October)
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the 2023 Annual General Meeting of the Environmental Contractors Management Association Limited will be held as follows : - 兹通告 環保工程商會有限公司2023年週年會員大會即將舉行,詳情如下: Date 日期 : Thursday, 12 October 2023 二零二三年十月十二日 (星期四) Time 時間 : 12:00 p.m. 正午十二時 Venue 地點 : Oasis Room 8/F, Renaissance Harbour View Hotel Hong Kong, 1 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong 香港灣仔港灣道1號 香港萬麗海景酒店 8樓美景閣 For the following purposes: 以討論下列事項:AGENDA 議程
1. To approve the Minutes of the last AGM held on 10 November 2022; 通過上次(二零二二年十一月十日)週年會員大會會議記錄; 2. To receive the Report of the Members of the Executive Committee; 省覽幹事會報告; 3. To receive and adopt the Treasurer's Report, the Annual Financial Statements, and the Auditor’s Report; 省覽及接納司庫報告,年度財務報表及核數師報告; 4. To appoint the Auditor for the current year; 委任核數師; 5. To elect members of the Executive Committee for the ensuing term (2023-2025); and 選舉新一屆(2023-2025年度)幹事會成員;及 6. To consider any other business. 其他事項。 No member save with the consent of the Chairperson of the Meeting may bring any matter before the Meeting unless he/she has given not less than 7 working days' notice in writing to the Secretary of his/her intention to raise the matter. 會員可於會議前不少於七個工作天以書面向秘書提交議案,否則除非得到大會主席同意,不得在會上另加議題。 The AGM will be followed by a Western set lunch from around 12:45 p.m. to 14:30 p.m.. 會後於約12時45分至2時30分備有西式午餐,歡迎參加。 Please fill in the Reply Slip and return it to the Project Officer Ms. Cissy Chang no later than 28 September 2023. 請填妥回條,於2023年9月28日或以前擲交本會項目主任鄭樂施女士。 By Order of the Executive Committee 承幹事會命 Francis Tan 陳聰惠 President 會長 Environmental Contractors Management Association Limited 環保工程商會有限公司 Hong Kong, 14 September 2023 香港,二零二三年九月十四日 Notes 附註:- A member entitled to attend and vote at the above meeting is entitled to appoint a proxy to exercise all or any of its rights to attend and vote on its behalf.
- The instrument appointing a proxy or attorney, if any, under which it is signed, or a notarially certified copy of such power or authority is requested to be sent to the Project Officer of the Association by email not less than 48 hours before the time for holding the meeting.
1st OSH Innovation & Technology Award – OPEN for Enrolment!

EEB:Consultation Paper and Briefing on Control of Hydrofluorocarbons (HFC) for Implementation of Kigali Amendment
COSH: Smoke-free Sportswear Day 2023

- Encourage stakeholders to wear sportswear and join Smoke-free Sportswear Day on 31 May
- Display the programme poster(s) and distribute the programme promotional collaterals, including:
- Programme posters
- Wise Mike Badge [Remarks: Small parts not suitable for children under 3 years.]
- Wise Mike Mini Towel
- Promote the Publicity Programme by emails, website or social media pages
- Promote the Publicity Programme on intranet
- Set up promotion booth/organize different forms of promotional activities
Recycling Fund: Technical Visit (Chinese version only)
根據環保署2021年《香港固體廢物監察報告》,本港平均每日棄置超過3,600公噸建築廢物在堆填區,問題不容忽視。香港建築材料供應商「嘉華建築材料有限公司」致力從製作環保建材著手,推動本地資源循環,在回收基金的資助下引入先進的環保技術,加強收集及處理建築廢物,製成環保再造磚,不但可提升建築廢物循環再造的數量和效率,亦可節省製作建築材料的原材料,促進回收業及建造業可持續發展。 廢電池含重金屬,如棄置不當,會嚴重污染環境。本地電池回收商「香港電池回收中心有限公司」致力回收及處理香港的廢鉛酸電池,以減低電池廢料對環境造成破壞。此回收商在回收基金的資助下添購熔爐機組、空氣壓縮機、模具等用作處理廢鉛酸電池的設備,不但可提升回收產品的質量、運作效率和表現,亦可減少操作過程中的塵埃問題。 香港生產力促進局(生產力局)作為回收基金秘書處,將安排考察團參觀「嘉華建築材料有限公司」及「香港電池回收中心有限公司」,介紹回收處理過程和運作模式,讓本港回收業界人士了解本地的回收技術及互相交流,歡迎 貴公司/機構參與。 考察團詳情如下: 日期: 2023年4月26日(星期三) 時間: 下午2時正至5時25分 語言: 廣東話 參觀地點: 新界屯門38區龍門路133號環保園 參與人數: 20人 交通安排: 由回收基金秘書處安排旅遊巴 集合及解散地點:香港九龍達之路78號生產力大樓 費用: 全免 活動程序:時間 | 內容 |
下午2:00 | 於生產力局正門集合 |
下午2:15 | 由生產力局乘坐旅遊巴出發 |
下午3:00 – 3:45 | 參觀「嘉華建築材料有限公司」 |
下午3:45 – 3:55 | 由「嘉華建築材料有限公司」乘坐旅遊巴出發前往「香港電池回收中心有限公司」 |
下午3:55 – 4:40 | 參觀「香港電池回收中心有限公司」 |
下午4:40 | 乘坐旅遊巴返回生產力局 |
下午5:25 | 於生產力局正門解散 |
LD: Seminar on the Minimum Wage Ordinance
erb: HKQF Award Scheme for Learning Experiences 2023
The Award Scheme for Learning Experiences (Award Scheme) is one of the initiatives put forward under the 2013-14 Budget. The Award Scheme aims to encourage practitioners who have excelled themselves in continuous learning in the respective industries to engage in learning activities in different places with a view to broadening their horizons and developing network with local and overseas industry partners within or outside Hong Kong. These awardees will serve as lifelong learning role models for their respective industries and help attract the younger generation to pursue career in these fields and promote the concept of "becoming Master of Trade through Multiple Pathways".
The learning activities for each industry endorsed by the concerned ITACs are listed in the respective industry-specific webpages.
Award Scheme for Learning Experiences (2023) commences on 17 March 2023 and ends on 31 May 2023.
Application Guidance Notes (2023) Application Form (2023)