OSHC: Webinar on Post Pandemic Reflections on Workplace Health, Well-being and Productivity

Webinar on Post Pandemic Reflections on Workplace Health, Well-being and Productivity Is Now Open For Application! (31/3/2023) Work and health are closely related. A healthy workplace not only protects the physical well-being and life of employees, enhances organisation productivity and competitiveness, but also helps to establish a positive image for the organisation. It is a win-win situation for both employers and employees. The Occupational Safety and Health Council will organize a webinar on 31 March 2023, at which Professor Dame Carol Black, Expert Adviser on Health and Work to NHS England and Public Health England, is invited to deliver a special talk on "Post Pandemic Reflections on Workplace Health, Well-being and Productivity". Professor Dame Black is also the Former Principal of Newnham College, the University of Cambridge. All is welcome, don't miss the chance! CPD unit under Hong Kong Safety and Health Certification Scheme: 1 CNE point under Continuing Nursing Education (CNE):1   Deadline of Enrolment : 28/3/2023(Tue)
日期Date 31/3/2023(星期五/Friday)
時間Time 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
地點Venue 網上講座Online Seminar
講者Speaker 英格蘭國民健康服務體系及英格蘭公共衞生署健康及工作專家顧問、前英國劍橋大學紐納姆學院院長 Professor Dame Carol Black Professor Dame Carol Black, Expert Adviser on Health and Work, NHS England and Public Health England, Former Principal, Newnham College, University of Cambridge
費用Fee 免費 Free of Charge
語言Language 英語English (設有廣東話即時傳譯) (with simultaneous Cantonese interpretation)
查詢Enquiry 柯小姐Ms. Or : franzisca@oshc.org.hk / 2116 5013
  Enroll now : http://bitly.ws/BpbZ   物管、環境衛生及回收業安全及健康委員會 秘書 羅靜

HKPC : Recycling Fund Virtual Technical Visit (Chinese version only)



  本港每日有不少木材被棄置於堆填區,「恒木環保科技有限公司」致力推廣木材回收重用及再造,在「回收基金」的資助下,加強收集及回收廢木成為由塑木複合製成的戶外鋪地材料,有助推動環保塑木產品的市場發展,並鼓勵本地資源循環。   為締造可持續智能城市,「雲耕一族城市農業有限公司」致力將廚餘轉化為高質量的堆肥材料,在「回收基金」的資助下開發、安裝和測試應用於工業規模的堆肥設施和城市農場堆肥機的原型,再配合網上監測系統及NBIoT設備採集數據,加強對堆肥的控制,有助提高其效率及質量,並鼓勵可持續生活的發展。   回收基金秘書處將安排網上考察團參觀「恒木環保科技有限公司」及「雲耕一族城市農業有限公司」,介紹有關回收處理過程和運作模式,讓本港環保及回收業界人士了解本地的回收技術、互相交流。 詳情如下: 日期:2023年 3月 28日 時間:下午 3 時 至 4 時 25 分(下午 2 時 45 分開始登入) 形式:ZOOM 網上考察團(包括答問環節) 語言:廣東話 費用:全免 活動流程:
時間 內容
下午 3:00 – 3:30 網上參觀及介紹 「恒木環保科技有限公司」代表 講者: 董事及創辦人 江文康 先生
下午 3:30 – 3:40 討論
下午 3:40 – 4:10 網上參觀及介紹 「雲耕一族城市農業有限公司」代表 講者: 行政總裁 徐伽 先生
下午 4:10 – 4:20 討論
下午 4:20 – 4:25 總結
  如閣下有意參與上述活動,請於 2023 年 3 月 27 日或之前填妥網上報名表格,網址如下: https://campaigns.hkpc.org/zh-hk/rfundtechnicalvisit-0   填妥報名資料後,請按下提交鍵完成報名流程。成功報名人士將會收到確認電郵及網上連結。名額有限,先到先得,請盡早登記。報名結果將以本局最終決定為準。如有查詢,請聯絡回收基金秘書處,電話:2788 5658,電郵:recyclingfund@hkpc.org。   備註: Zoom Video Communications, Inc. (Zoom 網上直播系統之供應商)將會為上述網上硏討會提供登記服務。 Zoom Video Communications, Inc. 所搜集之個人資料只會用作登記及安排閣下出席網上硏討會。如欲了解更多有關Zoom Video Communications, Inc. 之私隱條款, 請瀏覽 https://zoom.us/docs/zh-tw/privacy-and-legal.html. 若閣下不願意 Zoom Video Communications, Inc. 搜集閣下之個人資料,閣下將無法登記及出席上述網上硏討會,敬請留意。   回收基金秘書處 香港生產力促進局謹啟 2023 年3 月10 日 20230328 Technical Visit_final

OSHC: The 15th Outstanding OSH Employees Award – Open for enrolment (Deadline: 10 Mar 2023)

The 15th Outstanding OSH Employees Award - Open for enrolment (Deadline: 10 Mar 2023)
To echo the “World Day for Safety and Health at Work” Campaign, the Occupational Safety and Health Council, Labour Department, Legislative Council members (Functional Constituency - labour) and employee representatives of Labour Advisory Board organise "The 15th Hong Kong Outstanding OSH Employee Award". It aims to recognise employees with outstanding OSH achievement. Organisations / Enterprises and Unions are welcome to nominate employees with outstanding achievements in OSH. Deadline for enrolment and report submission: 10 Mar 2023 (Fri) Categories of Awards 1. Organisation / Enterprise - Divided into 3 groups: Front-line worker, Foreman and Management - Each group has Gold, Silver, Bronze and Merit awards, the awardees of each award will be awarded with cash prizes. Gold Award HK$500 Silver Award HK$300 Bronze Award HK$200 Merit Award HK$100 2. Union - The awardees of Gold, Silver, Bronze and Merit awards will be awarded with cash prizes. Gold Award HK$500 Silver Award HK$300 Bronze Award HK$200 Merit Award HK$100 Important Dates 10 March 2023 (Fri) - Deadline for enrolment and report submission 3, 4, 6 April 2023 (Mon, Tue and Thur)- Interview of shortlisted applicants Mid-April 2023 - Announcement of winner list 2 May 2023 (Tue) - Prize presentation ceremony Enquiry Contact person: Ms. Leung Tel: 2116 5696 Email: hkoe2023@oshc.org.hk Online enrolment: https://bit.ly/3RH5mzE Report Template: https://bit.ly/3DWlqb8 Competition Details