LD: Work arrangements in times of tropical cyclone, rainstorm warnings and “extreme conditions” after Super Typhoons

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  2. Enquiry Hotline: 2717 1771 (the hotline is handled by "1823")

Labour Department:Labour Advisory Board Report 2021-2022

Dear Sir/Madam, The Labour Department has published the Labour Advisory Board Report 2021-2022 to introduce the Board and report on the Board’s activities for the term 2021-2022. The Report has been uploaded onto the website of the Labour Department, with the hyperlinks as follows: Hyperlink Should there be any queries, please contact Ms CHAN Sin-ying Edith of the International Liaison Division of this department at 2852 4021 or via email alo-il-3@labour.gov.hk. Labour Department

EDP:Updates on Construction Waste Disposal Charging (Chinese Only)

敬啟者: 繼我們早前 2月 22 日於第一百零二次堆填區聯絡會議就有關建築廢物處置收費計劃的檢討作出簡報後,我們現通知  貴會/公司,環保署已於2023 年 7 月 14 日就建築廢物處置收費的修訂建議諮詢立法會環境事務委員會。有關建築廢物處置收費的修訂建議如下: (i)        增加堆填費,由每公噸200元增至每公噸365元,使建築廢物的堆填費與都市固體廢物收費的收費水平一致; (ii)        增加篩選分類費,由每公噸175元增至每公噸340元,以維持現時篩選分類費和堆填費25元的收費差距;以及 (iii)        增加公眾填料費,由每公噸71元按成本上調至每公噸87元。 有關修訂建築廢物處置收費公告將於10月13日刊憲,並於10月18日提交予立法會以「先訂立,後審議」程序審議。新收費將與都市固體廢物收費同日實施,即2024年4月1日生效。我們誠邀  貴會/公司把上述信息轉發給會員,以便他們為新的收費儘早準備。 如  貴會/公司有任何疑問,請與環境保護主任馮順安先生聯絡 (電話 2872 1711)。謝謝! 簡報 此致 環保工程商會有限公司 香港建造商會 香港泥頭車司機協會 港九及新界夾斗車商會有限公司 香港廢物處理業協會 汽車交通運輸業總工會(貨運車從業員分會) 環境保護署謹啟

1st OSH Innovation & Technology Award – OPEN for Enrolment!

Dear OSH Partners,   1st OSH Innovation & Technology Award – OPEN for Enrolment   We are thrilled to announce that OSHC in collaboration with the government department, HKSTP, Cybersport and innovation and technology organizations jointly organise the “1st OSH Innovation & Technology Award”.  This Award is to ignite the spirit of innovation among secondary school students and the general public, encouraging them to take on the challenge of enhancing occupational safety and health. Through their ingenious innovation and technology projects to promote safer workplaces and enhance the well-being of our communities. The winning entries will receive a cash prize of up to HK$80,000, and stand a chance to be supported to join the start-up programs operated by innovation and technology organisations. Also, the winning projects will have the opportunity to be exhibited in the "1st OSH Innovation & Technology Expo” in mid-March 2024. Enroll now!   參賽組別Category l   中學組Secondary School Category l   公開組 (包括大專院校) Open Category (Includes tertiary institution)   獎項Award l   每組設有創新大獎、金、銀、銅、優異獎Each category has gold, silver, bronze and merit award l   最架勢創新培育學校/院校/機構大獎Innovation Breeder Award l   最受歡迎創新項目大獎Most Popular Innovation Award   大獎詳情Award details 報名表格Enrolment Form:https://bit.ly/43h5SZo 網上報名Online Enrolment:https://bit.ly/43mKW38   重要日期 Important dates l   截止報名Deadline for enrolment:29/9/2023 l   截止遞交參賽報告及影片Deadline for submission of report and video: 3/11/2023   查詢Enquiry 新城電台賴嘉欣小姐Ms Leanne Lai, Metro Radio (3698 7380) 職安局羅永堅先生Mr Toran Law, OSHC (3106 3735) 職安局羅泇恩小姐Ms Maggie Law, OSHC (3106 3743) 電郵Email:oshaward@mbc.com.hk   Occupational Safety & Health Council

COSH: Smoke-free Sportswear Day 2023

  The World Health Organization (WHO) designates 31 May of each year as the World No Tobacco Day (WNTD). Smoke-free Publicity Progamme for WNTD is launched by Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health (COSH) annually to urge the public to promote the smoke-free messages and encourage more smokers around the world to quit smoking. “Smoke-free Sportswear Day 2023” on 31 May will be organized by COSH for soliciting public support by wearing sportswear and doing exercises, in order to encourage smokers to kick the habit, create a smoke-free social environment and move towards a tobacco-free Hong Kong. We welcome all to join us in promoting the Publicity Programme from 24 May 2023 to 30 June 2023 and participate in the Smoke-free Sportswear Day on 31 May. Supporting organizations/individuals can also encourage all the employees/ members /teachers and students/stakeholders/ families to extend the Programme and disseminate smoke-free messages so as to create a smoke-free Hong Kong in joint hands. Supporting formats are included as follows (can select more than one option):
  1. Encourage stakeholders to wear sportswear and join Smoke-free Sportswear Day on 31 May
  2. Display the programme poster(s) and distribute the programme promotional collaterals, including:
    1. Programme posters
    2. Wise Mike Badge [Remarks: Small parts not suitable for children under 3 years.]
    3. Wise Mike Mini Towel
  3. Promote the Publicity Programme by emails, website or social media pages
  4. Promote the Publicity Programme on intranet
  5. Set up promotion booth/organize different forms of promotional activities
*Supporting organizations are welcomed to request for promotional collaterals. Quantity is limited and served on a first-come-first served basis. The top five supporting organizations with the highest number of participants will be awarded the “The Most Active Participation Award”. Organizations with the most creative promotion will also be awarded “The Most Energetic Supporting Organization” and “The Most Creative Supporting Organization”. Each supporting organization will also receive a digital participation certificate as compliment.   https://exercise.smokefree.hk/index.php?lang=en