NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the 2023 Annual General Meeting of the Environmental Contractors Management Association Limited will be held as follows : - 兹通告 環保工程商會有限公司2023年週年會員大會即將舉行,詳情如下: Date 日期 : Thursday, 12 October 2023 二零二三年十月十二日 (星期四) Time 時間 : 12:00 p.m. 正午十二時 Venue 地點 : Oasis Room 8/F, Renaissance Harbour View Hotel Hong Kong, 1 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong 香港灣仔港灣道1號 香港萬麗海景酒店 8樓美景閣 For the following purposes: 以討論下列事項:AGENDA 議程
1. To approve the Minutes of the last AGM held on 10 November 2022; 通過上次(二零二二年十一月十日)週年會員大會會議記錄; 2. To receive the Report of the Members of the Executive Committee; 省覽幹事會報告; 3. To receive and adopt the Treasurer's Report, the Annual Financial Statements, and the Auditor’s Report; 省覽及接納司庫報告,年度財務報表及核數師報告; 4. To appoint the Auditor for the current year; 委任核數師; 5. To elect members of the Executive Committee for the ensuing term (2023-2025); and 選舉新一屆(2023-2025年度)幹事會成員;及 6. To consider any other business. 其他事項。 No member save with the consent of the Chairperson of the Meeting may bring any matter before the Meeting unless he/she has given not less than 7 working days' notice in writing to the Secretary of his/her intention to raise the matter. 會員可於會議前不少於七個工作天以書面向秘書提交議案,否則除非得到大會主席同意,不得在會上另加議題。 The AGM will be followed by a Western set lunch from around 12:45 p.m. to 14:30 p.m.. 會後於約12時45分至2時30分備有西式午餐,歡迎參加。 Please fill in the Reply Slip and return it to the Project Officer Ms. Cissy Chang no later than 28 September 2023. 請填妥回條,於2023年9月28日或以前擲交本會項目主任鄭樂施女士。 By Order of the Executive Committee 承幹事會命 Francis Tan 陳聰惠 President 會長 Environmental Contractors Management Association Limited 環保工程商會有限公司 Hong Kong, 14 September 2023 香港,二零二三年九月十四日 Notes 附註: