The HKAEE Experience Sharing Seminar Day

The HKAEE Experience Sharing Seminar Day will be held on 11 December 2024 (Wed). The event has invited 8 participating companies/organisations to share their green practices and facilities; and 2 companies/organisations participated in Hong Kong Green Innovations Awards to share how green innovations help contribute to environmental protection. Live Q&A sessions and HKGIA exhibition will be available onsite to render exchange of valuable ideas and thoughts.


Confirmed attendees of seminar(s) will be given an e-certificate of attendance. APPLY NOW!

Registration link:

In addition, we are thrilled to announce the 2024 HKAEE is now officially launched (Deadline: 14 January 2025). For more information, please visit HKAEE Website   Apply HKAEE on or before 20 Dec 2024, you may have a chance to visit one of the following organisations, by your choice, free of charge:
  1. Cathay Pacific Services Limited - Cathay Cargo Terminal(13 Feb 2025)
  2. Discovery Bay Services Management Limited - Discovery Bay (5 Mar 2025)
  3. ASB Biodiesel (Hong Kong) Limited (7 Mar 2025)
  4. The Hongkong Electric Company, Limited(11 Mar 2025)
  5. The Fullerton Ocean Park Hotel Hong Kong(14 Mar 2025)
  We look forward to seeing you there.

HKAEE Technical Consultant


Business of IP Asia Forum (5-6 December 2024) Reimagining IP for Impact and Growth

  Jointly organised by the HKSAR Government and HKTDC, the Business of IP Asia Forum is an annual flagship event for intellectual property (IP) policymakers, owners, users, investors and professionals to exchange thought leadership and market trends as well as explore business opportunities in Asia and beyond. The 2023 edition attracted more than 90 prominent speakers and 2,500 participants from 35 countries and regions. The 14th edition of BIP Asia Forum will be held on 5-6 December 2024 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. Under the theme of “Reimagining IP for Impact and Growth”, it will examine the immense potential of IP in nurturing innovation and entrepreneurship, and driving impactful economic and social development on a global scale. As a Supporting Organisation of the Forum, members of Environmental Contractors Management Association are eligible for a special discount price of HKD 860 per person for the Standard Pass (original price HKD 2,150). To enjoy the special rate, please register with the promotion code “SO24101SD” Register now: For more information, please visit: - Forum website: - Forum brochure: - Video highlights from last year's forum:

LD:Employers Will Not Save Severance Payment/Long Service Payment Expenses by Dismissing Employees Before the Abolition of MPF Offsetting Arrangement

Employers Will Not Save Severance Payment/Long Service Payment Expenses by Dismissing Employees Before the Abolition of MPF Offsetting Arrangement   The abolition of MPF offsetting arrangement will take effect on 1 May 2025 (i.e. the transition date).  The Labour Department would like to stress that dismissing existing employees before 1 May next year and employing new ones cannot save money; it may even incur additional costs.  Since the abolition of MPF offsetting arrangement has no retrospective effect, employers can still use the accrued benefits of their MPF mandatory contributions to offset employees’ pre-transition portion of severance payment (SP) and long service payment (LSP).  On the contrary, employers can no longer offset SP/LSP of newly hired employees after the transition date. Furthermore, the pre-transition portion of SP/LSP will be calculated on the basis of the monthly wages immediately preceding the transition date.  In other words, irrespective of the length of employment of an existing employee after the transition date and whether there is a pay rise, the pre-transition portion of SP/LSP of that employee would be the same as if the employee is terminated right before the abolition. Please refer to the attached leaflet or visit our thematic website on the abolition of MPF offsetting arrangement at for detailed information.  We appreciate if your association/ organisation would further distribute this message and the relevant attachment to your members. Attachment: Leaflet - Employers dismissing existing employees and employing new ones cannot save money under the abolition of MPF offsetting arrangement   Employment Benefits Support Division Labour Department Email address:

勞工處 – 取消強積金「對沖」安排專題網站

勞工處就取消強積金「對沖」安排設計了專題網站  提供取消「對沖」安排的資料和範例  協助僱主、僱員及公眾了解取消「對沖」安排及相關的配套措施 此外,取消強積金「對沖」安排專題網站上設有網上計算工具 (取消「對沖」計得掂)  協助僱主估算將來取消「對沖」生效後,在扣除政府資助後須承擔的遺散費 / 長服金款項,以及比較僱員在取消「對沖」前後可獲得的權益總和

【國際環保博覽2024 – 香港館(延遲截止日期)】 (in Chinese)

第19屆國際環保博覽將於2024年10月30日至11月2日在亞洲國際博覽館舉行,以「推動綠色創科 實現雙碳目標」為主題。環境保護署(環保署)再度設置「香港館」以推動香港環保業,協助業界推廣本港的環保技術、服務和產品。環保署已委托香港工業總會為「香港館」的統籌機構,展會資料如下:   日期: 2024年10月30日至11月2日(星期三至六) 地點:亞洲國際博覽館,展覽廳3 & 6 參展模式及費用:
  • 實體展位 (一個標準展位,9平方米):港幣$25,215.6;
  • 實體展位 (兩個標準展位,18平方米):港幣$47,431.2;
  • 特裝展位 (最少36平方米):港幣$83,416.8;
以上價錢已包括預設的貿發局「展覽+」宣傳套餐(包括實體展、「商對易」及貿發網採購):網上平台費用港幣$3,000 *獲中小企業市場推廣基金資助可低至港幣$12,607.8 (一個標準展位);港幣$23,715.6 (兩個標準展位);港幣$41,708.4 (特裝展位36平方米) ^更多展位及價錢詳情請參閱申請表; ^申請「中小企業市場推廣基金」可達最高資助額50%(以活動繳付的核准開支總費用計算),實際資助額以工業貿易署決定為準。   參展方法:有意參展「香港館」的公司請準備港幣劃線支票(支票抬頭:香港貿易發展局),並將展位申請表格連同支票郵寄至香港工業總會 (九龍長沙灣長裕街8號億京廣場31樓-Yuki Tsang收)。申請表格副本請電郵至。 *注意:為減少產生廢物,參展企業的展品應避免使用泡沫板(foam board),應選擇可回收及循環再用的物料。   詳情及報名: 2024年7月31日 (星期三)截止報名   查詢: 曾小姐 (電話:2732 3149;電郵︰; 林小姐 (電話:2732 3101;電郵︰