The HKAEE Experience Sharing Seminar Day

The HKAEE Experience Sharing Seminar Day will be held on 11 December 2024 (Wed). The event has invited 8 participating companies/organisations to share their green practices and facilities; and 2 companies/organisations participated in Hong Kong Green Innovations Awards to share how green innovations help contribute to environmental protection. Live Q&A sessions and HKGIA exhibition will be available onsite to render exchange of valuable ideas and thoughts.


Confirmed attendees of seminar(s) will be given an e-certificate of attendance. APPLY NOW!

Registration link:

In addition, we are thrilled to announce the 2024 HKAEE is now officially launched (Deadline: 14 January 2025). For more information, please visit HKAEE Website   Apply HKAEE on or before 20 Dec 2024, you may have a chance to visit one of the following organisations, by your choice, free of charge:
  1. Cathay Pacific Services Limited - Cathay Cargo Terminal(13 Feb 2025)
  2. Discovery Bay Services Management Limited - Discovery Bay (5 Mar 2025)
  3. ASB Biodiesel (Hong Kong) Limited (7 Mar 2025)
  4. The Hongkong Electric Company, Limited(11 Mar 2025)
  5. The Fullerton Ocean Park Hotel Hong Kong(14 Mar 2025)
  We look forward to seeing you there.

HKAEE Technical Consultant


【國際環保博覽2024 – 香港館(延遲截止日期)】 (in Chinese)

第19屆國際環保博覽將於2024年10月30日至11月2日在亞洲國際博覽館舉行,以「推動綠色創科 實現雙碳目標」為主題。環境保護署(環保署)再度設置「香港館」以推動香港環保業,協助業界推廣本港的環保技術、服務和產品。環保署已委托香港工業總會為「香港館」的統籌機構,展會資料如下:   日期: 2024年10月30日至11月2日(星期三至六) 地點:亞洲國際博覽館,展覽廳3 & 6 參展模式及費用:
  • 實體展位 (一個標準展位,9平方米):港幣$25,215.6;
  • 實體展位 (兩個標準展位,18平方米):港幣$47,431.2;
  • 特裝展位 (最少36平方米):港幣$83,416.8;
以上價錢已包括預設的貿發局「展覽+」宣傳套餐(包括實體展、「商對易」及貿發網採購):網上平台費用港幣$3,000 *獲中小企業市場推廣基金資助可低至港幣$12,607.8 (一個標準展位);港幣$23,715.6 (兩個標準展位);港幣$41,708.4 (特裝展位36平方米) ^更多展位及價錢詳情請參閱申請表; ^申請「中小企業市場推廣基金」可達最高資助額50%(以活動繳付的核准開支總費用計算),實際資助額以工業貿易署決定為準。   參展方法:有意參展「香港館」的公司請準備港幣劃線支票(支票抬頭:香港貿易發展局),並將展位申請表格連同支票郵寄至香港工業總會 (九龍長沙灣長裕街8號億京廣場31樓-Yuki Tsang收)。申請表格副本請電郵至。 *注意:為減少產生廢物,參展企業的展品應避免使用泡沫板(foam board),應選擇可回收及循環再用的物料。   詳情及報名: 2024年7月31日 (星期三)截止報名   查詢: 曾小姐 (電話:2732 3149;電郵︰; 林小姐 (電話:2732 3101;電郵︰


香港吸煙與健康委員會已推出全新宣傳片『一「點」煙 禍害蔓延』,宣傳片旨在喚起公眾的共鳴,提高公眾對於二手煙和三手煙危害的認識,鼓勵吸煙者為自己和下一代的健康,做出正確選擇,儘快戒煙!現邀請  貴機構/校協助於不同平台推廣上述最新宣傳片和海報〈一式兩款A2宣傳海報〉。   全新宣傳片: 『一「點」煙 禍害蔓延』(中文版): 『一「點」煙 禍害蔓延』(英文版): WNTD_2024_Eposter 如有任何查詢,歡迎瀏覽exercise.smokefree.hk或致電 2185 6399 與項目籌劃經理秦瑞雯小姐或項目主任何沅鋌小姐聯絡。   敬祝 安康   香港吸煙與健康委員會

[免費參展] 第25屆中國環博會 — 香港館:現正接受報名 (Chinese only)

第25屆中國環博會將於2024年4月18至20日在上海新國際博覽中心舉行。為協助⾹港環保產業在內地的發展,⾹港特區政府環境保護署(環保署)今年繼續於IE Expo 2024設⽴「⾹港館」,並資助合資格獲批的香港企業參展,以展示本港最新的環保技術、服務及產品。環保署已委託香港工業總會為「香港館」的統籌機構,詳情如下:
日期: 2024年4月18日(星期四)至20日(星期六)
地點: 上海新國際博覽中心 (地址:上海浦東新區龍陽路2345號)
申請資格: 持有有效的香港商業登記證,並從事環保技術、服務或產品業務的香港公司
參展模式: 實體開放型展位 <*按金:港幣$5,000 > #展位詳情見申請表格
  • 每家合資格的香港環保公司可免費獲得一個實體開放型展位,展位租金及展板印刷由政府資助。
  • 其他參展所涉及的費用(包括額外設施、網上展位其他附加功能、展品運輸、機票、交通、住宿及膳食等)均由參展公司自行負責。
  • 有意參展「香港館」的公司需準備港幣劃線支票作按金之用,並將展位申請表格連同按金支票(支票抬頭:香港工業總會) 郵寄至香港工業總會(九龍長沙灣長裕街8號億京廣場31樓-李小姐收),及將申請表格副本電郵至。
  • 獲准參展的公司在展覽結束後將獲全數退還申請按金。不論出於任何理由退出參展,申請按金將不予退還。不獲准參展的公司將獲全數退還申請按金。環保署保留有關安排的最終決定權。
*注意:為減少產生廢物,參展企業的展品應避免使用泡沫板(foam board),應選擇可回收及循環再用的物料。
查詢: 李小姐 (電話:2732 3141;電郵︰ 林小姐 (電話:2732 3101;電郵
截止日期: 20243月12日(星期二)
  <環保署所資助的展位數量有限,若參展申請反應熱烈,香港工業總會將進行抽籤程序以確定獲准參展的公司,並在簡介會上抽籤決定各公司的展位位置。環保署保留有關安排的最終決定權。> <下載報名表格>:

[免費參展] 第22屆中國國際環保展覽會 — 香港館:現正接受報名 (Chinese only)

[免費參展] 第22屆中國國際環保展覽會 — 香港館:現正接受報名 第22屆中國國際環保展覽會 (CIEPEC 2024) 將於2024年4⽉10⽇⾄12⽇於北京中國國際展覽中心(朝陽館)舉行。為協助⾹港環保產業在內地的發展,⾹港特區政府環境保護署(環保署)今年繼續於CIEPEC 2024設⽴「⾹港館」,並資助合資格獲批的香港企業參展,以展示本港最新的環保技術、服務及產品。環保署已委託香港工業總會為「香港館」的統籌機構,詳情如下:
日期: 2024年4⽉10⽇(星期三)⾄4月12⽇(星期五)
地點: 北京中國國際展覽中心 (朝陽館) (地址:北京市朝陽區北三環東路6號)
申請資格: 持有有效的香港商業登記證,並從事環保技術、服務或產品業務的香港公司
參展模式: 實體開放型展位及網上虛擬展位一個 <*按金:港幣$5,000 > #展位詳情見申請表格
  • 每家合資格的香港環保公司可免費獲得一個實體開放型展位及一個網上虛擬展位,展位租金及展板印刷由政府資助。
  • 其他參展所涉及的費用(包括額外設施、網上展位其他附加功能、展品運輸、機票、交通、住宿及膳食等)均由參展公司自行負責。
  • 有意參展「香港館」的公司需準備港幣劃線支票作按金之用,並將展位申請表格連同按金支票(支票抬頭:香港工業總會) 郵寄至香港工業總會(九龍長沙灣長裕街8號億京廣場31樓-曾小姐收),及將申請表格副本電郵至。
  • 獲准參展的公司在展覽結束後將獲全數退還申請按金。不論出於任何理由退出參展,申請按金將不予退還。不獲准參展的公司將獲全數退還申請按金。環保署保留有關安排的最終決定權。
*注意:為減少產生廢物,參展企業的展品應避免使用泡沫板(foam board),應選擇可回收及循環再用的物料。
查詢: 曾小姐 (電話:2732 3149;電郵︰ 林小姐 (電話:2732 3101;電郵
截止日期: 2024年3月12日(星期二)
  <環保署所資助的展位數量有限,若參展申請反應熱烈,香港工業總會將進行抽籤程序以確定獲准參展的公司,並在簡介會上抽籤決定各公司的展位位置。環保署保留有關安排的最終決定權。> <下載報名表格>:

香港環境衛生業界大聯盟 – 業界大會2023暨幹事就職典禮 (11月28日)

ESCA - 業界大會2023報名連結 (2023年11月28) update 業界大會2023暨幹事就職典禮 香港環境衛生業界大聯盟將於本年11月28日星期二下午一時三十分舉行「業界大會2023暨幹事就職典禮」,內容主題包括: 第一部分:如何落實及配合垃圾收費條例 1) 業界運作建議 主講者:甄瑞嫻女士,香港環境衛生業界大聯盟召集人 2) 廚餘處理最新發展 主講者:溫家玲女士,環保署首席環境保護主任 3) 垃圾收費配套及實施進展 主講者:胡勁欣女士,環保署助理署長 第二部分:輸入勞工細節介紹 主講者:李國明先生,家展有限公司董事總經理 今次議題聚焦於2024年4月1日實施「都市固體廢物收費」時的業界實際運作建議及輸入勞工細節的介紹。我們有幸邀請到環保署助理署長胡勁欣女士、首席環境保護主任溫家玲女士及高級環境保護主任程健宏先生到場為業界親自講解廚餘處理最新發展及垃圾收費最新情況,並即場解答業界的疑問。 輸入勞工是今年政府為舒緩各行各業人力短缺的最新政策,本聯盟特意邀請家展有限公司董事總經理李國明先生出席,為各位介紹申請輸入勞工的細節。 同場舉行的幹事就職典禮,我們非常榮幸邀請立法會議員邵家輝先生出席主禮。 歡迎業界人士出席,費用全免。名額有限,欲免向隅,報名從速。 報名連結: 香港環境衛生業界大聯盟

Business of IP Asia Forum – 7-8 December 2023 Theme – IP & Innovation: Steering New Economic Growth

Business of IP Asia Forum – 7-8 December 2023 Theme – IP & Innovation: Steering New Economic Growth Jointly organised by the HKSAR Government and Hong Kong Trade Development Council, BIP Asia Forum brings IP professionals and industry leaders from all over the world to discuss the latest developments in the IP world, and to explore business collaboration opportunities. Last year, the two-day Forum featured over 70 prominent speakers to share their insights with more than 14,000 viewers from over 40 countries and regions. The 13th edition of BIP Asia Forum will return as a full physical event held on 7-8 December 2023 at HKCEC. Entitled “IP & Innovation: Steering New Economic Growth”, the Forum this year will discuss the transformative potential of IP and innovation in driving sustainable and inclusive economic growth and creating new opportunities for global economies and businesses. To facilitate commercialisation for homegrown technology and innovation, IP & Innovation Market themed “CleanTech” will return in 2023, which aims to provide a one-stop platform to showcase the latest technology projects by universities, R&D centres and start-ups from Hong Kong and provide networking and partnership building opportunities. Participating institutes include: 1.Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute Company Limited (Astri) 2.Hong Kong Baptist University 3.Hong Kong Metropolitan University 4.The Chinese University of Hong Kong 5.The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 6.The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 7.Nano and Advanced Materials Institute Limited (Nami) Join us to explore the full potential of IPs in business value creation. Mark your diary now! As a supporting organisation of the Forum, members of Environmental Contractors Management Association, are eligible for a exclusive discount price of HK$800 per person for the Full Pass (original price HK$1,950). Available on a first come, first served basis. Online Registration: Click here to register* Promo Code for discount price: INDPA15236 Registration deadline: 1 December For more information, please visit: -Forum programme: -Forum video: Forum brochure: BIP Asia Forum 2023 Programme_20231104_EXT_EN

Eco Expo Asia 2023

2023 ECO Public Day Poster Eco Expo Asia 2023 26 – 29 Oct | AsiaWorld-Expo, Hong Kong 19  Oct – 6 Nov | Click2Match (Online)   Eco Expo Asia is a global trade platform for the environmental protection industry that showcases the latest green products, equipment and state-of-the-art technology, offering a bundle of green business opportunities! Eco Expo Asia 2023, jointly organised by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) and Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd and co-organised by the Environment and Ecology Bureau of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), will take place from 26 – 29 October at the AsiaWorld-Expo in Hong Kong, with the last day (29 October) open to the public. This year’s theme “Taking the Leap towards Carbon Neutrality” which strives to once again bring together prominent brands, experts and academics under one roof to reduce carbon emissions and pave the way for a greener future!   Our newly launched ESG Job Hub at Eco Expo Asia aims to connect organisations recruiting ESG talents with professionals and students who are passionate for creating positive impacts and shared values. Through collecting and sharing job vacancies of our exhibitors via the Expo’s website, on-site display panels and other publicity channels, we hope to present job opportunities in the industry so that interested candidates may visit your job booth to learn more about your company. Private interview rooms will be available at the Expo to facilitate on-site interviews if you find the right match:   Mark your diary and register now for FREE e-badge:   More details:  
Contact Person Tel Email
Ms Esther Lam   2240 4415
Ms Rachel Fung 2240 4469

“Hong Kong Smoke-free Leading Company Awards 2023” is now open for enrollment

                Employees are important assets of the company and they play a crucial part in the businesses’ sustainability and success. Employee’s health is one of the top priorities of many companies. Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health, with full support of over 50 major commerce chambers and associations in Hong Kong, organizes the “Hong Kong Smoke-free Leading Company Awards 2023” together with Occupational Safety and Health Council and Radio 1 of Radio Television Hong Kong, encourage all industries to fulfill social responsibility by promoting smoke-free culture and smoking cessation to their employees, customers, the general public and other stakeholders for a smokefree Hong Kong. The Awards also incorporate ESG elements (Environmental, Social and Governance) by introducing the “Outstanding ESG Smoke-free involvement Award”, to encourage companies to further integrate smoke-free promotion into their ESG policies, taking care of employees’ physical and mental well-being, enhancing their performance and profession, and benefiting both the company and its employees. All companies, organizations and government departments which operate and have registered in Hong Kong with at least one smoke-free policy implemented during 1 October 2019 to 20 October 2023 are eligible. Please visit to apply online by 31 October 2023. Let’s strive for a Smoke-free Hong Kong! #smokefreefamily #HongKongCouncilonSmokingandHealth #COSH #SmokeFree #TogetherWeStriveforaTobaccofreeHongKong #HongKongSmokefreeLeadingCompanyAwards #reducethesmokingprevalencerate #smokingcessationhotline 1833183